10월 첫째주 교회 소식

1. 환영: 오늘주일예배에참석하신모든성도들에게하늘의참된복이함께하시기를바랍니다.

2. 새가족모임: 오늘새로오신분들을환영합니다. 새가족모임이있습니다 (처음오신: 친교실, 두번째: 도서실). 간단한간식/식사가써빙되오니예배바로들어와주세요 (뒷쪽에안내뱃지를달고계신분들의안내를받으시기바랍니다).

3. 간식: 예배후에간식이준비되어있습니다. 먹는장소는본당 Lobby사용하시면됩니다. 본당에는카펫이깔려있으므로커피나음료수는갖고들어가지마시고물을드시기바랍니다.

4. 이번주설교: 백창근형제(워터루제일교회목자)영어로합니다. 한국어자막이제공됩니다.

5. 다음주설교: 김성은담임목사가내일 (103)귀국예정이고다음주일에설교를해주실예정입니다. 안전하게귀국하도록기도해주시기바랍니다.
생명의: 가을학기생명의삶은 10 12일에시작됩니다. 109일까지목자들이나행정팀장박찬목자에게신청해주시기바랍니다.

7. 평신도세미나: 휴스턴서울교회에서평신도세미나가 (어린이목장사역자/영어회중/한어회중) 107~10 9일까지열립니다. 우리교회에서 13명이참석합니다. 기억하며기도해주시기바랍니다.

8. 커넥트목장: 교회에새로오신새가족들과목장에연결되기를원하는분들은누구나커넥트목장에환영합니다. 모임시간: 금요일 6, 문의: 서윤주사모

9. 토요새벽예배: 토요일 7, 교회본당에서오프라인과온라인 Zoom 으로있습니다이번주는정원준목자가인도합니다.

10. 온라인헌금안내: 온라인으로헌금하시기원하면아래의메일주소로 E-transfer 있습니다. waterloofirstchurch@gmail.com

1. May the true blessings of heaven be with all the people who attend the Service for the Lord’s Day today!

2. New Family Meeting: Welcome to the new attendants today! There is a New Family meeting (1st session: in the Fellowship room, 2nd session: in the Library). A simple snack/meal will be served, so please come in immediately after the service. Please be guided by those who wear a “Guidance” badge on the back.

3. Snacks will be available after the services. For places to eat, you can use the Main Service Area and the Lobby. Only water is permitted in the Main Service Area. Pease do not bring coffee or drinks in there.

4. Today’s Sermon: Chang-geun Beck (previous Mokja, Waterloo First Korean Church) will share his testimony in English

5. Next Sunday’s sermon: Next Sunday’s sermon: Pastor Sungeun Kim’s flight is scheduled to return home tomorrow and will preach sermon next Sunday. Please pray for his safe return.
6. The Fall Semester of Bible study group (
생명의) begins on October 12. Please apply to the Mokjas or the head of the administrative team, Park Chan Mokja, by October 9th.

7. A laymen seminar (Children’s Mokjang Ministry/English Congregation/Korean Congregation) will be held at Seoul Church in Houston from October 7 to October 9. There are 13 people attending from our church. Please remember and pray.

8. Connect Mokjang: Anyone who is new to the Church and who wants to connect with Mokjang is welcome! Meeting Time: Friday at 6:00pm Contact: Seo, Younju

9. Saturday Morning Service: Saturday at 7 a.m., in the church is available offline and online on Zoom. Mokja Wonjun Jung will lead the prayer meeting.

10. Online Donation Guide: If you wish to donate online, you can e-transfer to this email address below. waterloofirstchurch@gmail.com