Young Adult Retreat

Hi, my name is Christina Yoon. Some may know me as Yeoweon yoon, in the Nowuta mokjang. First and foremost, I want to thank the organizers and everyone who attended this retreat for making it such a memorable experience. If I were to describe it in one word, it would be impossible, because it was not only a time of spiritual renewal but also an experience filled with joy, fellowship, and personal growth. I also want to extend a special thanks to the game organizers for all the fun activities and to the chefs for providing us with such delicious food. Your efforts truly made the retreat even more enjoyable and memorable.

Each moment I had brought something unique and meaningful, from the insightful sessions to the deep conversation I had with others. Many may have seen me doing my group assignments, but this retreat has allowed me to engage on a deeper level, beyond the usual responsibilities and academic pressures. It is refreshing in a way where I can focus on my spiritual growth and connect with others on a more personal level. I was able to develop a stronger bond with some of the church members whom I will leave their names anonymously but, we were running around the campfire like little children. At church I may have been this quiet girl and at the retreat I may have shown a different personality but trust me I am still the same person inside. Also discovered a hidden virtue—patience—while waiting two hours for my sweet potato. Who knew I’d be so desperate for a sweet potato that I’d wait that long? It turns out, my love for sweet potatoes is stronger than I thought! BUT my love for God is way stronger don’t worry. On the first night, we went into groups and had meaningful conversations, about experience and exploring the faith of what we were thankful for, and who we were thankful to. It made me notice how sometimes in life I don’t think about what I am thankful for or express gratitude often enough. This conversation was a powerful reminder to appreciate the blessing in my life and acknowledge those who have made a positive impact. It was humbling to hear others share their stories and reflections, which helped me see the many ways we all experience and express gratitude.

Within these discussions, I realized gratitude is not just about big life-changing moments but also about appreciating the small, everyday things that often go unnoticed. It encouraged me to be more mindful and intentional in recognizing the good in my life and expressing thanks to others around me. I may not remember the specific night but in one of the services, the mokja’s were sharing their experiences with a topic. Two of the most memorable stories were Eunhee mokja unni’s and wonjun mokja oppa’s testimony. Their testimony was truly impactful and a life-changing experience for me. Their life-changing stories have deeply resonated with me. While I can’t recount all the details, one common message in their stories was how these experiences led to profound personal and spiritual growth. They spoke about facing challenges and finding strength in their faith, which reminded me of the power of perseverance and trusting God for everything that is happening in my life at the moment. Their stories made me reflect on my journey and the ways I can grow through my experiences, both good and bad. It was a powerful reminder that every experience, whether joyful or difficult, has the potential to shape us and bring us closer to understanding ourselves about my faith in God, and what he has instored for me in my life. Whatever it is I shall trust and follow the footsteps he has instored for me.

In conclusion, this retreat has been a journey of discovery, growth, and gratitude for me. It reminded me to appreciate the small moments, the blessings, and the people in my life. The shared stories and the connections have inspired me to be more intentional in my faith and in expressing gratitude. I leave this retreat feeling renewed, with a deeper understanding of myself and my relationship with God. Thank you once again to everyone who made this experience possible, and to all the wonderful people who shared their stories and kindness. I look forward to carrying these lessons with me and continuing to grow in my faith journey. Most of all, I want to thank God for the safe journey we had back and forth coming back to Waterloo.

Christina Yoon (윤여원 자매, 나우타 목장)